Soften Cream Cheese In Under A Minute With A Simple Technique

You're ready to make a batch of cupcakes, but there's just one problem: the cream cheese for the frosting is still in the fridge, and you don't want to halt the process for a thaw. Thankfully, there's a simple way to soften it, and it can be done in under a minute.


Grab the cream cheese out of the fridge and remove all the packaging. From here, you can place it on a microwave-safe surface and nuke it on high for 15 seconds. But if you want to maximize even heating and ensure no lumps, cut the cream cheese into smaller chunks before microwaving them. After the first 15 seconds, continue the cook in 10-second intervals until you have softened cream cheese. Remember to monitor it carefully every step of the way. If your cream cheese goes from softened to melted, it will affect the treats (or dip) you had your heart set on making.

Why the microwave method works best

If the microwave isn't your style, another method will safely soften cream cheese, but it will take a bit longer. Being careful not to puncture the foil wrapper, place the cream cheese in a bowl filled with hot water to accelerate the softening process. Flip it a couple of times to ensure it's softening evenly, and within 15 minutes, it should be ready to use. 


A hot water bath will do the job, but the safest and quickest way to get soft cream cheese is by microwaving it right out of the fridge. It's not only the fastest method, but it is the easiest method to monitor as well. The next time you have the aspiration to whip up some cupcakes with extra fluffy frosting or a cheesecake smooth as silk, look to the microwave to save yourself some time preparing your ingredients.

While you've probably left cream cheese out on the counter to thaw before use in the past and been fine, leaving it out too long can be unsafe. More than 2 hours unrefrigerated puts the cream cheese in the "danger zone," which is the ideal scenario for the growth of bacteria. Though cream cheese will typically thaw enough for use within 2 hours, it's best not to tempt fate and just utilize the microwave technique.


