Does Storing Guacamole With An Avocado Pit Actually Make It Last Longer?

Guacamole is a dish that can turn any function into a full-blown fiesta. In addition to being a flavorful crowd-pleaser, it is easy to make a big batch of the avocado-based dip at home. All it takes is a few ripe avocados, lime juice, some fresh, fragrant produce, and spice. The real challenge arises when it comes to keeping that guacamole vibrant green. Without storing it properly, that bright color will quickly turn to a faded brown. 


There are a few ways to slow down or even stop your guacamole from the browning process, but storing your guacamole with a leftover avocado pit has become a particularly popular idea. Many a guacamole maker will swear by the power of the pit. The problem with this idea ... is that it's not true. There are much better ways to keep your guacamole green that are better backed by science.

Avocado pits are not the solution

When put to the test, the tip to prevent guacamole from turning brown is not to store it with an avocado pit. The exact origins of this long-standing myth are unknown, but the idea may be rooted in some truth. After all, if you store half an avocado with the pit still inside, the part of the flesh the seed is attached to will stay fresher since the pit protects it from the outside air. Once mashed and mixed, however, storing guac with the seed is only effective to the extent it's filling the volume of the container it's in, thus minimizing air exposure. 


This browning is known as oxidation, and the more the flesh of the avocado is exposed, the darker it becomes. The process is the same one that leads apples, pears, and peaches to turn brown after you cut them open. This is why the top layer of guacamole tends to brown first while the rest stays green. Unless you plan to sprout your own avocados, there is no real reason to keep your avocado pit around after making guacamole.

What actually works

Rather than turning your avocado pit into a silver bullet of sorts, it is better to focus on minimizing exposure to air. Storing the guacamole batch in a small, sealable container and pressing plastic wrap against the top layer of the guacamole will help keep outside air from oxidizing it. One TikToker demonstrates this simple and effective hack. 


Have you guys tried this trick? Tell me how you keep guac fresh! #kitchentips #alwayslearning #foodhacks

♬ original sound – Feel Good Foodie

The video demonstrates the plastic wrap's effectiveness by showing the guacamole the next day, just as green as before. You should also store your guacamole container in the refrigerator to help keep it cool and fresh. Squeezing lime juice on top of your guacamole will also keep it from oxidizing. Lime juice, as well as lemon and other citrus juices, are antioxidants, so they quite literally fight oxidation. Though cutting off the guacamole's air exposure is the most obvious solution, you may be impressed to see how far a little lime juice can go. 


As we've said, anything can be a dip if you put your mind to it, including slightly browned guacamole, but browning is most certainly avoidable with the right tricks. Keeping the pit around just happens not to be one of them. 

