Easily Transport Cooked Hot Dogs To A Picnic With One Easy Hack

One of the challenges of bringing hot dogs to a picnic is keeping them warm and serve-ready. Most folks are set for managing cold picnic items, where just a cooler full of ice or set of aluminum trays is needed. But retaining heat is tougher, which is why cooking is often planned on-site. While there are a few choices when considering devices that will assist you in preserving the heat in franks or other hot items during your summer outing, one ingenious hack that's made the rounds on TikTok involves using a thermos or hydroflask as a vessel for your dogs.


It's picnic season and whenever I do this, the kids seem very impressed! 🙌🏻 This weekend is going to be lovely and sunny so I wanted to share 🤩 #picnichack #picnic #summerhack #momhack #mumhack

♬ Sunset Lover – Petit Biscuit

To make the most of this hack, fill your thermos with boiling water just before your franks are cooked through. After letting the water sit for a few minutes to warm the container, pour the hot water out. Put your ballpark franks inside and fill the remaining space in the thermos with hot water. As long as the internal temperature of the contents of the thermos is above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, your weenies should retain their quality at the picnic for up to 6 hours.


How the hot dog thermos hack works

The vacuum-flask design minimizes conduction from the inner bottle to the outer one, such that environmental conditions have a negligible effect on what's inside. This trick will keep your footlongs warm and — since you're storing with "dog water" — from drying out as well. 


In addition to being convenient, this storage hack is also safer than letting meat sit out in the open for extended periods. Like other cooked meats, hot dogs should not be eaten once they have been out below 140 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 hours or you run the risk of contracting or spreading a foodborne illness. When you are having a picnic while it's above 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside, that time may be reduced to an hour. And there's the issue of bacteria-spreading bugs to consider. If you are someone who's used to leaving cooked hot dogs out with slices of watermelon at a picnic, that's a habit worth breaking.

Other hacks for keeping hot dogs warm at a picnic

If you do not own a thermos, hydroflask, or large, (preferably metal) water cooler and aren't eager to purchase one, other items you might already have on hand can help control the temperature of your hot dogs in a pinch. Insulated bags are popular options to keep food warm during outdoor functions. These bags are lined with foil, foam, or other insulating materials that prevent heat from escaping. The period it will manage hot food varies depending on ambient temperature and how warm the food inside initially was, but it will generally hold food safely for at least a couple of hours. 


Most think of an ice chest as something that will only hold cold items, but coolers can keep food warm for a little while as well. The concept is similar to how an insulated bag works, utilizing thermal insulation to prevent heat from escaping the inside. You can maximize the cooler's ability to maintain heat by placing hot water bottles or blankets with your food in the box, and it should remain warm for a few hours. But a container dedicated to preserving hot temperatures, like a thermos or insulated food bag, will hold in heat more efficiently than a cool box. Hot dogs at a picnic are a time-honored tradition of summer, and with this hack, you won't have to fret over keeping them warm and ready to enjoy.


