The Cookie Trick You Should Try With Your Next Batch Of Brownies

When it comes to desserts, nothing is more classic and familiar than brownies. That crisp top and soft bite combined with rich chocolatey flavor unquestionably put brownies in the dessert hall of fame. But when it comes to baking classic desserts like brownies, you really have to do something special for your dish to stand out. So before you cut and serve your next batch, we have a secret suggestion (commonly used in cookie recipes) that will take your dessert party to the next level: bang your pan on the countertop right after taking the brownies out of the oven.


This technique can be used no matter what recipe you've followed. Whether it's for the ultimate fudgy brownie, a cream cheese-based version, or a chocolate treat with peanut butter and macadamia nuts, this trick will help you get the dense and gooey interior that you want without compromising on the crackly outer layer. While this might seem a tad violent for an otherwise soft and comforting dessert, it helps get rid of air pockets that increase the brownies' volume. Remove those bubbles and get that classic gooey bite you and your guests want.

How to do it

The New York Times reported on pan banging in 2017 when it went viral among chocolate chip cookie aficionados scrolling through pictures of rippled, gooey chocolate chip cookies circulating on Instagram. While tapping the pan had been a thing of the past, this new technique emphasized banging the pan right out of the oven to deflate the middle of the cookie, producing a flatter cookie with a melty inside. And it turns out, this technique works on brownies too.


While the shape of brownies is different from chocolate chip cookies, don't overthink it. When you've taken your brownies out of the oven, bang the pan flat against the countertop. Some bakers suggest taking this technique and doing it twice. In the middle of the baking, take the brownies out, bang them on the counter, and then finish the bake. Doubling up on the tapping gives you two chances to collapse the middle of the brownies and get the dense interior that you want. An added bonus to this post-bake technique is that the banging makes the crisp top layer more likely to crack, a beautiful aesthetic addition to your already delicious dessert.

More tips for gooey brownie lovers

Part of finding the perfect brownie is understanding what you want; your technique dictates the taste and texture of your dessert, and you should adjust it accordingly to suit your own preferences. Banging the brownies on the counter helps you achieve a specific goal: heavy and gooey brownies. If you're after a light, cakey brownie then this isn't the tip for you. But, if a fudgy, gooey dessert is your preferred style, there are techniques and tricks you can employ to achieve your peak brownie.


In addition to pan banging, you'll also want to mix mix mix. The more you mix your batter the fewer air bubbles will enter the oven and give your brownies unwanted height. You can also increase the ratio of butter to flour. Be careful with this one, as you could thin out your batter to the point of not being brownie batter if you take out too much flour. But in moderation, replacing a bit of flour with more butter can fudge up your dessert. Finally, when it comes time to pop your creation in the oven, choose a bigger pan. With more surface area to cover, your batter will spread thinner, which limits the maximum height it can reach. You should bake for less time with a bigger pan. When it's finished, you will have a short and gooey brownie just the way you want thanks to a handful of techniques and a little pan banging. 


