The Best Way To Clean Your Gas Stove Grates Is Also The Easiest

Cleaning gas stove grates is a task that many of us dread, often postponed until the grime and grease build-up to untenable levels. The reasons for hating this chore are not unfounded; the intricate designs, texture, and heavy-duty materials of these grates make them challenging to clean, especially when food particles and spills get baked on over time due to the high heat. This buildup not only affects the stove's appearance but can also impact its performance, and safety, which means, even if you hate doing it, you have to clean those stovetop grates, just like you clean the inside of your oven.


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♬ Skate – Trees and Lucy

But, we have good news. There is a method so simple and effective that it turns this daunting task into an easy part of kitchen cleanup. Even better, you don't have to buy expensive cleaning products or wear your fingers to the bone with scrubbing. All you need is a dishwasher. This method, demonstrated by the TikTok creator @diariesofmyhome, promises to make cleaning your gas stove grates not just bearable, but effortlessly simple.

Use your dishwasher to clean your stove (grates)

If you want to try this scrub-free hack for yourself, the steps are pretty straightforward. Before you start, ensure the stove is off and the grates have cooled down. Most grates (yep, even those rarely-used backburners) can be easily removed—either by lifting off or unhooking, depending on your stove model. After removing any loose debris and the burner caps, you can place the grates and caps directly into the dishwasher on the hottest cycle.


While the dishwasher does the heavy lifting, take the opportunity to clean the stovetop itself. You can use soap, a homemade cleaner, or a degreaser to eliminate crumbs and dissolve grime. For stubborn, stuck-on residue, an abrasive sponge or scrub brush can be effective. This method not only simplifies the cleaning process but ensures a comprehensive clean, from the grates to the stovetop, with minimal effort. Once your stove grates and caps are washed, dry them off, put them back in place, and bask in the spotless results.

More pro tips for a sparkling clean stovetop

For those seeking more heavy-duty methods, there are other tips you can employ to tackle gas stove grates. Soaking coated, seasoned cast-iron grates in hot, soapy water (though ignore this advice if you have uncoated steel or iron grates), followed by scrubbing with a baking soda and water paste — perhaps even prior to a machine wash — is the low-tech method for tougher jobs. 


Non-toxic degreasers like Simple Green, Krud Kutter, or Method offer another solution. Coating the grates with a degreaser and allowing them to sit in the kitchen sink as long as the instructions recommend can break down even the toughest grime. 

Adopting the habit of cleaning spills as they occur can prevent the hassle of dealing with baked-on messes later. This proactive approach ensures your stove grates remain in top condition, simplifying maintenance and preserving the longevity of your appliance.

