Chelsea Jackle

Photo of Chelsea Jackle
Grand Rapids, MI
Western Michigan University, Bowling Green State University
Healthy Cooking, Mixology, TikTok Food Trends
  • Chelsea has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist since 2015.
  • She's an avid food blogger and has written recipes for food brands like Eggland's Best, Silk, Forager Project, NotCo, and Bob's Red Mill.
  • She refuses to nap without "The Barefoot Contessa" playing at 5% volume in the background.


Chelsea has been writing food and nutrition content for over seven years. Her writing experience started with a humble food blog but quickly spilled over into her work in the digital health space. She's crafted recipes, written articles, designed patient education materials, and developed content strategies for new wellness programs. Her passion lies in demystifying health and nutrition, making them accessible and digestible. (And yes, that was a food pun.) Chelsea's latest culinary adventure finds her at Foodie, where she's using her writing skills to explore food trends, simplify home cooking, and nerd out about the latest culinary world gossip.


Chelsea has bachelor's degrees in exercise science and dietetics from Western Michigan University and a master's in food and nutrition from Bowling Green State University.

Foodie Editorial Policies

Foodie is created by a team of knowledgeable writers and editors with expertise in all areas of the food and drink world, including restaurants and fine dining, food TV, celebrity chefs, and at-home cooking. Our veteran editors ensure every article contains factual and timely information, and consults with outside experts as needed.

We strive to bring readers engaging, accurate articles that cover all their food news cravings, including daily news, original recipes, and cooking tips and tricks. To provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our team is constantly reviewing and updating articles as necessary. More information on our editorial process is available here.

Stories By Chelsea Jackle