Lily Greenall

Photo of Lily Greenall
Scotland, UK
University Of Aberdeen
Hospitality, Home Cooking, Fine Dining
  • Lily worked in catering until 2018, giving her behind-the-scenes insight into the way that kitchens and food service industries operate.
  • She has a passionate interest in home cooking and has written recipe blogs for a number of lifestyle brands.
  • Lily is fascinated by world cuisines, watches every vlog that food and travel YouTuber Mark Wiens puts out, and plans her restaurant itinerary first when organizing a trip.


Lily has been a professional content writer since 2018 and has written for numerous websites and clients. She joined the Foodie team in late 2023, and her travel and food writing are regularly featured on travel booking websites like Omio and Lily started her content journey working for LitCharts, a SparkNotes affiliate company, writing study guides for English Literature teachers. Later, she started writing for content companies specializing in travel and hospitality, including hotel and restaurant reviews. Lily was named runner-up in the Lewis Grassic Gibbon Centre Literary Lights Prize for Creative Writing in 2017.


Lily has a Ph.D. in English and creative writing from the University of Aberdeen.

Foodie Editorial Policies

Foodie is created by a team of knowledgeable writers and editors with expertise in all areas of the food and drink world, including restaurants and fine dining, food TV, celebrity chefs, and at-home cooking. Our veteran editors ensure every article contains factual and timely information, and consults with outside experts as needed.

We strive to bring readers engaging, accurate articles that cover all their food news cravings, including daily news, original recipes, and cooking tips and tricks. To provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our team is constantly reviewing and updating articles as necessary. More information on our editorial process is available here.

Stories By Lily Greenall